The Constitution of the United States and The Declaration of Independence
- It’s more important than ever for every American to know exactly what the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence actually says
- Here is the essential, 45-page, pocket-size edition
- Now a USA Today Bestseller!
The United States Constitution and Declaration of Independence (Set of 10 Pocket Edition Booklets)
- This 52-page pocket sized booklet contains the United States Constitution (including The Bill of Rights and Amendments 11-27) and The Declaration of Independence
- Its dimensions are 3
- 25″ X 6
Pocket Constitution (25 Pack): U.S. Constitution with Index & Declaration of Independence
- This pocket-sized booklet contains the United States Constitution (including The Bill of Rights and Amendments 11-27), the Declaration of Independence, Index to the Constitution, selected quotes from the founding fathers, dates to remember
- These documents have been proofed word for word against the originals housed in the Archives in Washington, D
- C
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